Friday, August 26, 2011

Funding Independent Films - The Film & Movie Finance Dealmakers Ebook

Funding Independent Films - The Film & Movie Finance Dealmakers Ebook

Do you have a great idea for a film or have a script ready with a story that just has to be told? Just like in everyday business, you'll find that when there's a good idea investors are at the ready to make a deal. As with any good business sense approach this goes for a great movie as well.

And like in any business investors are searching for a number of good options available for them to get involved in the independent film making industry to finance your films.

The best way to gain funding for your film is through the use of best business standard practices used by any if not all film finance companies.

What this means is preparing a film finance package that investors can look at and make an investment decision. Immediately write a check, sign an agreement and put it in the mail... if not wire it.

Not only does this help get your project off the ground, but they have a large motivation in becoming part of your film because of your professional presentation, enhancing trust and that you will use their funds according to your business plan and vision in turning the  screenplay into a reality.

The Film & Movie Finance Dealmakers Ebook we reviewed has helped many aspiring screenwriters to get their vision on the screen by providing best practices advise, guidance and tools on how to approach potential financing sources to finance their films… but not only that… it goes beyond the call of duty to even provide a list of investors that may well be interested in your opportunity.

All you have to do is use the guides and tools and list of investors and start fruitful relationships even before you send them your film proposal… just to get the relationship warming.

In my review of the Film & Movie Finance Dealmakers Ebook what I can immediately point out as sound advice is this:

The internal green-light system allows you to evaluate the strength of the picture before even producing the film. Example how can you predictably extract the greatest earnings for your picture movie. The discoveries from critical processes like this can be the epicenter of your films success.

Without question, most production companies fail because of under capitalization. Development is sophisticated, time-consuming and expensive.

It should be approached with similar planning and funding as production. Producers must have their own development funding independent of a studio, sufficient to develop a slate of pictures.


This is the foundational practice, allowing each picture to predictably, unshakably move through the development process.

In other words you are more likely to get funding for a production company that has various film project ideas in line than just ONE film (that can be a success or not) and allow investors to be part of that also… in whatever way, shape or form you can agree.

Main goal not being low interest rates or copyright ownership. More importantly being that bank production financing pushes the producer into global distribution relationships.

Which are critical to engage essential pre-sale collateral and also to insure every film produced has solid, global distribution channels, including the US and minimum five or six major foreign territories like Australia, UK, Germany, Canada, Japan, etc. with collaborative maturity from the start of realistic development, months preceding production.

This is the funnel that consolidates each picture's integrity.

Preferably the production companies internal green-lights system is confirmed first with a US studio which may take an interest (or thru a distribution company which you may have associated yourself with for your film project and has already the studio relationships:


TIP: Try reaching out to a known distribution company with contacts not a start-up) and then with a main  distribution player in each of the major foreign territories. These confirmations are the second step in each movies earliest creation evolution and the commencement of vital creative and marketing collaboration.

With a common of sixty percent (60%) of all global proceeds being earned outside the US for US movies, the foreign markets are crucial in this process and contribute a large array of important elements, including cover-shot clarification and major media market groundwork.

This procedure defines and clears the passageway to each movies global audiences and earnings.

What this means is you must start with THE END in mind. Try to envision the enormous assortment of extremely profitable secondary sales areas, like for example HULK dolls, Spiderman Mask, etc.

Anticipating these rights sales and so negotiating and closing some of these sales, will substantially increase your profitability and advance each films distribution power.

This is the key to protecting and maximizing profitability on each film distributed.

Promotion creative, media preparation and media buying live in a highly sophisticated world of its own that only a few even understand.

However, knowing your target audiences to a minimum will allow acceptable box office gross to at least help you anticipate each films opening week-end with more precision and will help manage stress and anxiety of un-known results.

Studio distribution departments are seldom surprised as they know fairly well what box office outcome the campaign will deliver. This is the decisive know-how  to anticipate every movies give or take on profits.

Here is a list of what's included:

-       Dealmakers

-       Grants and Foundations

-       Co-Production and Distribution Partners

-       Private Placement Dictionary

-       Motion Picture Legal Production Checklist

-       Film Packaging Step by Step Guide

-       Private Placement memorandum (a US ,000 - ,000 dollar value)

-       Film Project Review and Business Plan Worksheet

-       Film Production Business Plan Template

-       Movie productions and Investments

-       The Production Company Chart

Here are some potential partner links I found in the ebook for funding:

So if you have a great idea for a movie and need some funding to get started The Film & Movie Finance Dealmakers Ebook may just help you pull it off and take your film to the big screen.


Frank Cosi












Aaron is an experienced financial engineer in renewable energy, project finance and film finance. Advisor to infrastructure and business development in energy, telecom, media and entertainment. Played with Continex, Northern Telecom Central America, Tadiran Telecom, Schlumberger Industries, ICE or The Costa Rican Energy and Telecommunication Institute, NOKIA, Paso Ancho Energy Panama, Comsat Global Systems Satellites and others, with over 20 years of international finance and cross border leasing experience. Closed deals with agencies as OPIC, IFC, MIGA, private equity placements, credit enhancement instruments and real estate related investments. Earned his MBA from the Business Institute of Madrid, Spain and Studied Futures at the Chicago Board of Trade. He is an ardent student and practitioner of blogging, internet and mobile marketing methodologies, since 2003. He has been a member since the inception of the think tank leaders "The Counsels of Advisors" Gerson Lehrman Group Language Fluent: English and Spanish. German:  social level.

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