Why Choose PVC Shrink Film
PVC shrink film is one of the most useful innovations of the modern age. It is used in everything from packaging to food storage, disaster relief to construction. PVC shrink film is a polymer plastic sheet that reacts to heat by shrinking. Heat can be applied using hand held items or through the use of a heat tunnel. It is available for purchase in film rolls or flat sheets. Tube film is used to enclose large items without requiring the additional adhesive that sheets require. Some of the pvc film manufacturers are located in China to keep the cost low, though it may be possibly to find locally produced shrink film.
It is used most commonly in retail stores to package products. PVC shrink film is ideal to help prevent tampering and preserve freshness. Attaching a label to the film is simple, preventing adhesive from touching food.
PVC shrink film is commonly found in the grocery store covering meats or in the freezer section on items such as frozen meals. It is also commonly found on entertainment products, compact discs, digital video discs or video games, for example. This method of PVC shrink film use is called over film. It is the process by which a film of PVC shrink film is placed entirely around the product and then wrapped back upon itself and heated causing it to shrink in on itself and seal. This allows the consumer to see the product on display clearly without the risk of contamination, which is particularly important when dealing with fresh food items.
Shrink films have also become incredibly useful in the shipping industry. It is used to film pallets for shipping, making larger loads possible and reducing the risk to dock laborers. PVC shrink film is used to entirely enclose a pallet preventing loads from shifting during shipping and helping to prevent tips and spills.
In construction, PVC shrink wrap film is now used to enclose large pieces of equipment and materials preventing loss and damage due to weather. It is also used to film bridges, roofs and vehicles to prevent damage during construction or to temporarily stop a leak. It has been irreplaceable in disaster relief areas as it allows temporary repairs while more permanent measures are put into place. PVC shrink film is also used to construct temporary structures such as green houses or row protectors for farms. It is highly adaptable to the situation and a PVC shrink film structure is the perfect solution for temporary building.
PVC shrink film has become a widely used product that is found in every industry. From department stores to shipping, from home use to commercial, it is a highly versatile product that is used at every level of society. With the new additions of PLA shrink film there are even biodegradable options. Perhaps this is a good option for you.
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